Our Businesses
The MSC Group is currently one of the world’s leading integrated producer of tin metal and tin-based products, involved in the upstream and downstream sector of the tin industry through tin mining and custom tin smelting.

With its unsurpassed global reputation and stature built on experience, trust and integrity from its custom smelting business, the Group has now become a fully integrated tin producer with its acquisition of Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn. Bhd. ("RHT") in November 2004.
RHT, a wholly-owned subsidiary of MSC, has the distinction of operating the largest open-pit eluvial tin mine in the country. Extensive exploration works and improvements to its process flowsheet since the takeover have transformed RHT to become a very significant tin producer in Malaysia.
In 2021, RHT produced 2,408 tonnes of tin-in concentrates.

The MSC Group’s new smelting plant is located in Port Klang and has the capacity to produce up to 60,000 tonnes of tin metal per year. Using the modern Top Submerged Lance furnace technology, it converts primary, secondary and often complex tin bearing ores into high purity tin metal for industrial applications.
In 2021, the Group produced 16,619 tonnes of tin metal making MSC one of the largest suppliers of tin metal in the world.

The Group's products are sold on the Kuala Lumpur Tin Market and London Metal Exchange, as well as to end-user markets worldwide.
The products have purity ranging from the standard Grade A (99.85% Sn) to the premium grade electrolytic tin (99.99% Sn).

The Group's products are sold on the Kuala Lumpur Tin Market and London Metal Exchange, as well as to end-user markets worldwide.
The products have purity ranging from the standard Grade A (99.85% Sn) to the premium grade electrolytic tin (99.99% Sn).