Key Management Personnel

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Dato’ Dr. (Ir.) Patrick Yong Mian Thong was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the Company on 7 October 2016. Subsequently, he was appointed to the Board of the Company as a Non-Independent Executive Director on 1 June 2018 and redesignated as Group CEO on 1 January 2019. He is also the member of the Executive Committee of the Company since 24 March 2021. He leads in the strategic development, policies and business operations of MSC.
Dato’ Dr. (Ir.) Patrick Yong started his career as an engineer with the National Electricity Board of Malaysia (“LLN”) in 1976, fulfilling his scholarship contractual obligations. In 1989, he left LLN to pursue his career as a consultant in the field of electrical engineering.
Dato’ Dr. (Ir.) Patrick Yong founded Sulfarid Technologies in 2004 and was its Managing Director. The company was later acquired by the Hup Soon Global Corporation Group in November 2007 and renamed Borid Technologies. He joined Tai Kwang Yokohama Industries Bhd. as CEO from 2007 – 2010 and was appointed as Group CEO of Yokohama Industries involving SLI battery manufacturing and secondary lead smelting from 2010 to 2015.
Throughout his line of work, Dato’ Dr. (Ir.) Patrick Yong established his proficiency in electrical engineering and pursued research specialising in the field of efficiency in energy conversion and storage leading to a PhD in Electrical Engineering.
Mr. Nicolas Chen Seong Lee started his career in the tax division of Arthur Andersen & Co., Kuala Lumpur, in 1997. In 2000, he joined the Structured Finance, Corporate Banking division of Affin Merchant Bank. He returned to tax practice in 2002 until 2010 with KPMG Tax Services Sdn. Bhd.
In KPMG, he was primarily undertaking tax advisory and tax planning assignments covering a broad range of Malaysian and overseas tax, corporate and legal issues. From 2010 to 2017, he managed an agro based company involved in farming and exporting a Malaysian produced fruit and downstream products.
Mr. Nicolas Chen joined MSC on 1 November 2017 as General Manager (Special Projects) of CEO’s Office before being redesignated as Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Administration). His primary responsibility is to assist the Group Chief Executive Officer on matters covering legal, corporate, human resource, security, information technology, procurement and administration for the MSC Group.
Mr. Lam Hoi Khong was appointed as the Group Chief Financial Officer of the Company on 7 January 2019. He is responsible for the overall management and financial reporting, business support, financial planning and analysis, treasury, investor relations, and tax functions. He also leads and drives the commercial and supply chain functions at MSC.
Mr. Lam has close to 30 years of working experience in the areas of finance, accounting, corporate finance, auditing and taxation. He spent his early formative years at PricewaterhouseCoopers before assuming managerial and Financial Controller roles with a local automotive group and an international group based in Africa respectively, from 1997 to 2003.
Following that, Mr. Lam assumed the role of General Manager (Finance and Administration) at Petaling Tin Berhad, a property development company listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, and was subsequently promoted to Chief Financial Officer in 2007, a position he held until January 2017.
Prior to joining MSC, Mr. Lam was the Group Chief Financial Officer of Tien Wah Press Holdings Berhad (“TWPH”) from February 2017 until November 2018. He was responsible to spearhead the Finance, Corporate and Risk Management functions, and providing strategic directions on commercial aspects of the businesses of TWPH.
En. Madzlan Bin Zam joined MSC in 2002 and was assigned as Manager Geology at PT Koba Tin in Indonesia between 2002 and 2011, and later held the President Director’s post for PT MSC Indonesia and PT SRM Indonesia. During his tenure at PT Koba Tin, he passed the examination as the Pengawas Operasional Utama at the mine, which qualifies him to be the Mine Manager in Indonesia.
He was subsequently appointed as Head of Geology & Exploration of MSC in 2011 and was promoted to Head of Resources & Investments of the Company in May 2015. In 2017, he assumed his current position as the Senior General Manager of Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn. Bhd. (“RHT”), an 80% owned subsidiary of MSC and responsible to oversee the complete operation of RHT and its tin mine at Klian Intan, Perak. At present, he sits on the board of RHT and all RHT’s subsidiaries i.e. SL Tin Sdn. Bhd., Asas Baiduri Sdn. Bhd. and Alaf Tenggara Sdn. Bhd.
Prior to that, he had worked with Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad between 1981 and 2002 as a Mining Geologist responsible in monitoring tin production from the dredges. He was incharged in tin and gold exploration and mining development projects in Malaysia as well as overseas i.e. Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Lao People Democratic Republic, Thailand, Myanmar, Kyrgyz Republic, Europe and Democratic Republic of Congo.
En. Madzlan has vast experiences and knowledge in both primary and alluvial tin, gold, base metals and coal; and was also in charge of managing a tin mine in Indonesia. He has experiences working with consultants recognised by the World Bank for the Bankable Feasibility Study of the Taldy-Bulak Gold Project, Kyrgyz Republic.
Mr. Yoon Choon Kong, the Group Internal Auditor of MSC, started his career as an auditor at Messrs Sam Ah Chow & Co, Certified Public Accountants. He had joined The Straits Trading Company Limited (“STC”), currently the holding company of MSC, back in 1978 as an Accounting Officer.
In 1985, he was promoted to the position of Accountant at MSC and served in that capacity up to 1995 before assuming his present position as the Group Internal Auditor for MSC. He also concurrently holds the portfolio of General Manager, Special Projects since 2018.
Between 2006 and 2010, Mr. Yoon also headed the Internal Audit function at STC in Singapore, as Vice President, Group Internal Audit.
Mr. Yoon has more than 40 years of working experience with the STC/MSC Group.